Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Chaos on the Streets

One quickly discovers that Europeans really don't work in August. In Italy this "season" of vacation is called Ferragoto. Most people seem to have the two weeks off leading up to August 15, as a bare minimum but there are variations.

Being in Roseto degli Abruzzi, which is by all definitions "a beach town", this city is transformed into a thriving mecca for vacationers in the months of July and August. Our tourists are mostly Italians from other areas, but there is also a fair share of French, Germans and a few Dutch. Here is the problem, this city is already poorly organized and badly equipped during the winter months, so you double or even triple the population in the summer and it turns into a logistic nightmare. It is IMPOSSIBLE to drive given that there is really only one main street. It is dangerous to ride your bike because there are no bike lanes and there is barely room for a car to drive on the main street.  Until you have barely eked by a moving 18 wheeler truck and a parked car to your right with a matter of two inches of space, you truly don't know how scary a proposition that is. Then repeat this process about a thousand times for your ten minute bike ride, and you have the oh so relaxed feeling of riding your bike in Roseto.

Walking is really the only practical solution here, but did I mention there are very few sidewalks off the main road, so you end up walking next to the cars in the street. Again, not the most tranquil of strolls when you are worried about your purse getting caught on the passing car's rear-view mirror. In any case, it is too damn hot to walk on most summer days here.

To make matters worse, there are zero efforts on the part of the city or region to make this a more livable, better-flowing city. For example, streets could be labeled as one-way rather than having people park on both sides of the street so that when a car comes the opposite direction, you have to literally reverse hundreds of feet in a space that is less than eight feet wide because there is no way to fit both cars. Am I being too demanding you ask? Isn't that the European way, to squeeze into tight spaces with grace? I think a German, or Dutch visitor would say NO! This reversing craziness literally happens 10-15 times a day, every day all throughout the summer. And, I only drive about 20 minutes a day maximum. It is a serious pain in the ass and a waste of time. It could be fixed so easily with a simple sign that says no parking or one-way. But days, weeks, years go by and Rosetani have to live with this chaos. 

Then of course there is the utterly ridiculous ritual of finding a parking spot. Heaven forbid the construction of a parking structure because that would be too easy. Parking illegally is how most people handle it. People see no problem parking on an angle which leaves it impossible to make a right-hand turn because the streets are so narrow. Parking in a cross-walk is free game and so is parking in loading, handicapped, and motorcycle designated areas. Seriously!?! Do you know how annoying it is to make a 7 point turn just because you need to make a right? And the best part is it just goes on in continuation because the city rarely, if ever, gives people tickets for this illegal behavior.

Furthermore, given that so many people in our town use a bike as their principal form of transportation, a bike lane (or dare I say even a well-appointed bike path) would be greatly appreciated. However, there is only one strip that runs about 1 kilometer in front of the ocean. Very pretty, but not very helpful when you are going about your daily business in the center of town.

Then, lets talk about the little babies that are riding on the front of their parents bikes within inches of car traffic zooming by........WITH NO HELMETS. Its dangerous enough as it is, but do people not realize that a 9 month old baby would probably die if it hit the ground without a helmet???? For every 100 kids, I see maybe one with a helmet on. Its all fun and games until your kid is dead!

If I were in charge of a tourist town which desperately depends on tourist dollars, I would want to make things as comfortable as possible for those tourists, and of course for my year-round tax paying constituents. However, here it does not even seem to be a discussion as to make the flow of the city better. How can something so basic be ignored? How can the people live with this chaos day in and day out for years on end and not realize that most of these things can easily be improved upon. I am crying out for four simple things, and I never imagined they would be things I would have to ask for.

Please Mr. Mayor I would like:

One Way Streets
Bike Lanes
Parking Structure

Even in a time of austerity, I think these basics should be provided for.....but I appear to be the only big dreamer in this city.